DMCA Notifications and Counter-Notifications

Online DMCA Takedown Services
Have a DMCA attorney send or reply to a takedown notice today.

The internet, smart phones, and social media has led to a flood of digital content, including books, images, videos, songs, sheet music, and more available online. YouTube and other websites have allowed digital content to proliferate online without the owner’s permission.The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) gives an option in the online age for content creators to have infringing content removed without initiating costly copyright infringement litigation. The DMCA attorneys at Front Range Legal Services can quickly and efficiently send DMCA notices on behalf of you to help protect your legal rights.

Are you an artist or individual who’s creative or personal work has been infringed and posted online without your permission? Are you the victim of revenge porn involving intimate photographs you sent to a former loved one that are now posted online without your consent? If you are the actual owner of the work or have permission to act on behalf of the owner of the work, you may have options to have the infringing or unapproved content removed from many online platforms. DMCA takedown services are commonly used by streamers, influencers, content creators, photographers, designers, developers, 3D artists, writers, and more. If certain criteria are met, DMCA notices can also be an effective tool to have non-consensual pornography or revenge porn content removed from the internet.

To prove a violation of the DMCA, the reporting party must demonstrate you have a valid copyright that is being infringed  by a third party. There are several elements that need to be shown to establish a prima facie claim for copyright infringement.

  1. The existence of a valid copyright, which you own; and
  2. That the third-party infringed on your valid copyright by creating a duplicate copy of the work or creating a substantially similar version of your work.

Do you know where the infringing work is hosted but you don’t know how to get it removed? Do you have proof of ownership of the work as well as a screenshot and a URL of the infringing work? If you do, there may be options. While not all internet hosts outside the US follow the DMCA, most will comply with takedown notices from a US-based attorney. DMCA takedown notices are taken more seriously when sent by a US-based DMCA attorney.

The experienced DMCA attorneys attorneys at Front Range Legal Services have sent and responded to thousands of notices over the years, so have the peace of mind that the job will be done in compliance with federal law and sent to the proper agent. Rather than pay an attorney for hours of time, you can have a notice sent at a reasonable flat fee rate! Click below to begin the flat-fee process to have a standard DMCA notice sent by a US based DMCA attorney to an online hosting platform like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, or more.

DMCA Counter-Notifications

Mistakes can be made and DMCA takedown notifications can be mistakenly sent by organizations or content owners.  Content creators may also have options if they created a work for fair use purposes. Fortunately, the DMCA also includes a means for people who have had content mistakenly removed to be reinstated by the online platform.

If your content was accidentally removed and you want to have your content reinstated or put back onto the platform, then contact our attorneys today or you can pay in advance and submit a request online to have your counter-notifications sent by a US-based attorney. Our attorneys are familiar with the majority of US and European content platforms and can help you have your content reinstated. We can help you send a DMCA counter-notification for a flat-fee to have your online content reinstated. Click above to begin the process! If you require DMCA notices sent for a large number of infringed works or a batch of several websites that you need removal for, please contact our attorneys directly. 

DMCA Notices and Counter-Notifications FAQ

Are you the owner of the work? Do you have permission to act on behalf of the owner? Then yes. If you are not the owner, then tell the owner and let them decide.

Are you the owner of the content? Did you author the content? Did you hold the camera at the time the photograph or video was taken? “Copyright in a work protected under this title vests initially in the author or authors of the work. The authors of a joint work are coowners of copyright in the work.” 17 U.S.C. 201(a). A model alone for example may not be the owner of the work but if they held the camera during the time of the photograph or video that was published, they may be an owner and have a co-ownership interest. If you are not an owner, there may still be other legal remedies available to you. State revenge porn laws may also provide some set of options to consider.

Are you the author of the content being circulated? Or was the content taken without your permission and distributed without your consent? You may need other options if you are not an author or the owner of the content in question but the content is still of your likeness and being sold or published without your permission. Contact an attorney today to explore your options.

If you are the owner of the content or if you have a bonafide fair use of the content in question, then you may be able to have your content reinstated onto the platform via sending a DMCA counter-notification to the platform’s DMCA agent. Continue reading below to see if we can help you send a DMCA counter-notification on your behalf to help reinstate your mistakenly removed content. 

Not exactly. If you are sending a DMCA notice on your own, you are asked to provide your contact information.  If you are concerned about your privacy, an attorney can act as an agent on your behalf to pursue the filing of your DMCA notice. You can have peace of mind that our experienced copyrights team can handle all contact with both the host and the alleged infringer until resolution has been reached.

While yes you can send a DMCA notice if you are the owner of the website containing the stolen content, it may not be the wisest option to send the DMCA notice to the website that posted your stolen content.

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